Key Convictions for Fingerprints in Film
Fingerprints in Film Key Convictions: · The Divine nature of God has been revealed in all that made, including in film and television, even if the creators of those films are not believers, because even the non-believer cannot escape the reality of His glory and presence and they cannot deny the desire in their own heart for God · By helping people to see the glory of God in film, which people consume a high quantity of today, we can help more people desire and come to Christ · By revealing the glory of God in film, we can help people see the greater glory of God in all things, and help remove the veil of blindness that the enemy has put over the non-believers Key Verses and Tenets: The centrality, omnipotence, and omnipresence of God in all things Colossians 1:16-17 “For by Him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visib...